How do we achieve to keep our gliders so light with durable materials and with such a low price?
How do we achieve to keep our gliders so light with durable materials and with such a low price?
We are sure that no material is lighter than any of the lightest material.
As we don’t want to compromise on durability, safety, we keep our focus on Simplicity.
To stay simple, you have to be smart and find out the real roots of problems rather than trying to compensate the consequences of these problems.
Our Experience shows us that in our way of design, the shaping control, or ballooning control is key.
When you know how to use the inside pressure, you can get rid of a lot of internal structures, therefore free weight gain!
As a bonus of Simplicity
– Easier to produce (less manufacturing hours), regular material rather than ultra light (When the weight of a material goes down, its price goes up quickly)
– We are able to keep prices lower without compromise on the performance or the material quality.